Free Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment | Womens Excellence Blog

Your health is in your hands!

Would you rather find out you have stage 1 cancer at age 30 or stage 4 cancer at age 50?

Women’s Excellence offers a FREE 5 minute cancer risk assessment online to learn more about your hereditary cancer risk. Your assessment will determine if genetic testing is right for you. Genetic testing gives people the chance to learn if their diagnosed cancer or family history of cancer is caused from an inherited gene mutation. This information will help us develop your overall care plan to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Is testing recommended for everyone?

Testing is the most accurate way to determine your risk of hereditary cancer, however, only people that have a personal diagnosis of cancer or a history of cancer in their family need to be tested.

How do I get tested?

To see if you qualify for hereditary cancer testing, please begin by filling out your risk assessment. This assessment will help our team determine if you qualify for testing. If you qualify, we’ll collect a small sample of your blood or saliva for laboratory analysis. If you do not qualify for testing, our team will provide insight and information on steps you can take to help prevent cancer and diseases.

Begin your free hereditary cancer risk assessment

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